Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Latest Crave: Manic for METAL

My metal roots have stirred a longstanding disdain for pop music and any other form of bubblegum wrapped music (Screamo bands anyone?) 

Bone breaking double bass, blood curdling screams, and lethal drum solos make metal entrancing. Metal has the power to bring people together. Walk into a metal show full of people you have never met before and as soon as the music hits you can find yourself moshing- arms to face to head to hands and if you fall down EVERYONE STOPS to pick you up. Thats the love in metal, thats the love of music, of the vibes of all people coming together through one sound.

It never ceases to amaze me how little interaction the general public has with Metal, when GWAR came to Columbus, I could hardly contain myself as I eagerly awaiting the green and red paint that would drench my body and leave me rainbow stained for at least a few days!

Its as though people cant see the love in metal. But if your are a fan, then you know. If your not a fan then you are missing out on some serious life changing music.

Local metal bands stand up and get in the faces of your fans, we're out here and we just can't get enough so keep it coming!

Here is a video of an up and coming kick ass metal band straight out of Columbus!

Andrew Fisher Lead vocals/Bass guitar Eric Keiln Lead/Rhythm guitar/ backing vocals
                                                         Join their fan club at Reverbnation!

Thanks Prosthetic Hed..You Guys ROCK!

1 comment:

  1. July 5, 2010 - Monday

    the 4th
    Current mood: accomplished
    Category: Music
    last night I ha d the great fortune of not only having a place to to play my music on a microphone, in front of an audience of approximately 30 patrons at the O'Reilley's pub on N.High st. in Columbus. But I also experienced real show business shambles (as Robert Plant might have put it) To start we were originally scheduled to be an acoustic duo but car troubles made me into a solo act. The next bit of business was that after Four successful opening songs (comprised of three cover songs and an Original song entitled "stones passin' my way") abruptly after the first verse of my second Original song ("we're in trouble") all the lights on the patio where the open mic was being held went out. Without the slightest hesitation I continued and finished my song in the dark. After that I was asked by the man running the open mic if I "had two more in me?" to which I responded with a resounding yes and gave my very first public performance of a cover song by folk singer Daniel Johnston, called "haunt". Closing with an Original entitled "paid the price".

    " . . . the show must go on . . ."
    " . . . I got blisters on my fingers."

    open mic Acoustic(solo-Flying Grayson)prosthetic Hed!
    1. Sunshine of your love - Cream (cover)
    2. Stones passin' my way - (original)
    3. Lucifer Sam - Syd Barret/Pink Floyd (cover)
    4. All along the watchtower - Bob Dylan/Hendrix (cover)
    5. We're in trouble - (original) . . . and the man played on
    - "can you play 2 more?"
    6. Haunt - Daniel Johnston (cover)
    7. Paid the price - (original)
    1776 - 2010 4th of July no.234

    "stay tuned . . . more to come!"


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